We Hire Human: Meet Our General Counsel Bernie

Vy Luong

You might picture a General Counsel as someone sitting in a corner office, buried under mountains of paperwork, signing off on legal jargon and wearing, well, something less flashy than sneakers. But for Bernie? He’s rewriting that script—literally and figuratively. With a love for sneakers, and art, he’s as hands-on as it gets. Spend a little time with him, and you'll see—he’s just as human as the rest of us.

Lendable General Counsel Bernie

A Legal All-Rounder with a Creative Twist

What makes him stand out? He’s involved in everything— from keeping us compliant to locking in great financing terms. Whether he’s negotiating contracts or guiding us through complex legal challenges, he’s got it covered. And he does it all without the usual stiff formality, sporting a laid-back attitude and a killer sneaker collection. Not exactly your average General Counsel.

The Unwritten Book

If he ever wrote a book, don’t expect a dense legal drama. “I prefer slim books,” he says with a smile. “Children’s stories—simple, but packed with meaning.” He’d probably go for a coming-of-age story, one that captures life’s key moments and makes you think. The kind of book that’s short, sweet, and leaves you reflecting (and maybe even laughing) by the end.

Routine? Not Quite

Despite being in a high-pressure role, he’s not one for routine. He resists it. “What I love about my job is the variety. One minute I’m dealing with employment issues, and the next I’m diving into tax concerns,” he shares. It’s a world of constant context-switching, which keeps things interesting. Not to mention the sheer variety of people he interacts with—everyone from investors to colleagues with questions that range from the mundane to the downright peculiar.

And what’s on in the background while he’s juggling all these tasks? Afrobeats, traditional African music, and the soulful sounds of Malian desert blues.

A Journalist in Another Life

If he weren’t a General Counsel, he’d be chasing stories, not deals. His love for reading and writing would lead him to be a journalist, driven by curiosity and a passion for crafting narratives. “There’s something deeply satisfying about uncovering truths and weaving them into a compelling story,” he reflects. It’s not too hard to imagine—after all, navigating the legal landscape is its own kind of storytelling, isn’t it?

The Masterpiece: Project Panther

Every role has its form of art, and for him, the masterpiece he’s most proud of is Project Panther. It was a monumental deal that brought Ontario Teachers' Pension Plan in as a major investor in Lendable. “I wore a lot of hats during that project,” he recalls, “negotiating our position, whilst conducting due diligence, and ensuring OTPP was comfortable with investing in us.”

The result? A marquee deal with an investor who continues to have confidence in our firm. A deal that took not just legal expertise but a deep understanding of how to tell the right story, the right way.

An Abstract Portrait

If he were a visual artist, his self-portrait would be abstract. “I don’t want to draw a face,” he says. “It’s all about colour, particularly my favourites, red and black, symbolic of passion and drive.” It’s a fitting description for someone who’s as driven and energetic as he is. There’s no need for fine details; the bold colours speak for themselves.

The Quick Fire Round

To finish off, we hit him with some rapid-fire questions:

Favourite date night routine?

Dinner and drinks.

Favourite spot in town?

Diogenes the Dog, a low-key wine bar where the atmosphere is as discreet as the name.


Art, of course.

Pet peeve?

“I hate receiving corrupt documents”, he says with a mock shudder.

Last concert?

The incredible Rokia Traore, a Malian artist.

Upcoming concert?

Nas at the Royal Albert Hall